Tips that help in good harvest
- Procure certified seed of High Yielding Varieties/Hybrids recommended for the area from authorized agencies/dealers,
- Treat the seed with recommended fungicides for minimizing the disease incidence.
- Sow the pre-germinated seed of paddy in nursery bed as per guidelines prescribed by the State Agricultural University. Use recommended doses of farm yard manure, macro and micro nutrients in nursery beds at the time of sowing.
- Nursery raising for planting systems like SRI, mechanical and general practice should be according to scientific recommendation.
- Get the soil tested for nutrient status and recommendations. Alternatively follow the general recommendations for major and micro nutrients prescribed by the State Agricultural University.
- Apply lime/liming material to acid soils @ 2-4 quintals/ha or as per recommendation of the State Agricultural University at the time of field preparation.
- Mini kits of rice varieties/hybrids are being distributed under NFSM. Interested farmers may contact officers of the State Department of Agriculture.
Assistance to farmers from NFSM
- Assistance for distribution of certified seed of HYV @ Rs. 500/quintal or 50% of the cost whichever is less.
- Assistance for distribution of hybrid seed of rice @ Rs. 2000 per quintal or 50% of the cost whichever is less.
- Assistance for production of hybrid seed of rice @ Rs. 1000 per quintal.
- Assistance for micro-nutrients @ Rs. 500 per ha or 50% of the cost whichever is less.
- Assistance for liming the acidic soils @ Rs. 500 per ha or 50% of the cost whichever is less.
- Assistance for conoweeder and other implements @ Rs. 3000 or 50% of the cost of these implements whichever is less.
- Assistance for purchase of zero till seed drill/multi crop planter/seed drill/power weeder @ Rs. 15000 per implement or 50% of the cost whichever is less.
- Assistance for purchase of rotavator @ Rs. 30000 or 50% of the cost whichever is less.
- Assistance for purchase of knapsack sprayer @ Rs. 3000 or 50% of the cost of whichever is less.
- Assistance for plant protection chemicals @ Rs. 500 per ha or 50% of the cost of whichever is less.
- There is also provision for conduct of field demonstrations on improved package of practices, hybrid rice and SRI.
- Farmers can also participate in Farmers Field Schools which are being organized under NFSM.
For further details contact the nearest Aqriculture Officer or Dial Toll Free No. 1800-180-1551 - Kisan Call Centre.
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India
Last Modified : 3/1/2020
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