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Electronic Negotiable Warehouse Receipt

Electronic Negotiable Warehouse Receipt


An animal will be insured for its current market price. The market price of the animal to be insured w ill be assessed jointly by the beneficiary and the insurance company preferably in the presence of the Veterinary officer or the BDO. The minimum value of animal should be assessed by taking Rs.3000 per liter per day yield of milk or as per the price prevailing in the local market (declared by Government) for cow and Rs.4000 per liter per day yield of milk or as prevailing in the local market (declared by Government) for buffalo. The market price of pack animals (Horses, Donkey, Mules, Camels, Ponies and Cattle/Buff. Male) and Other livestock (Goat, Sheep, Pigs, Rabbit, Yak and Mithun) are to be assessed by negotiation jointly by owner of animal and by insurance company in the presence of veterinarians Doctor. In case of dispute the price fixation would be settled by the Gram Panchayat / BDO.

The animal insured will have to be properly and unique ly identified at the time of insurance claim. The ear tagging should, therefore, be full proof as far as possible. The traditional method of ear tagging or the recent technology of fixing microchips could be used at the time of taking the policy. The cost of fixing the identification mark will be borne by the Insurance Companies and responsibility of its maintenance will lie on the concerned beneficiaries. The nature and quality of tagging materials will be mutually agreed by the beneficiaries and the Insurance Company. The Veterinary Practitioners may guide the beneficiaries about the need and importance of the tags fixed for settlement of their claim so that they take proper care for maintenance of the tags. The tag already available on animal may be utilized with unique identity number subject to the condition that it is mutually agreed by farmer and agency and there shall not be any dispute in settlement of claims on account of utilization of existing tag.

While processing an insurance proposal, one photograph of the animal with the Owner and one photograph of the animal clearly with the EAR TAG visible shall be taken at the time of processing the insurance documentation. In case of sale of the animal or otherwise transfer of animal from one owner to other, before expiry of the Insurance Policy, the authority of beneficiary for the remaining period of policy will have to be transferred to the new owner.

Only four documents would be required by insurance companies for settling the claims viz. intimation with the Insurance Company, Insurance Policy paper, Claim Form and Postmortem Report.  In case of claim becoming due, the payment of insured amount should be made within 15 days positively after submission of requisite documents. If an Insurance company fails to settle the claim within 15 days of submission of documents, the insurance company will be liable to pay, a penalty of 12% compound interest per annum to the beneficiary.


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Last Modified : 9/26/2024

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