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Labour groups in MGNREGS

Significance of organising workers into labour groups

As per Para 28, Schedule I, organising workers into labours groups helps to improve the participation of workers in implementation and ensures provision of entitlements provided under the Act. Workers who have put in 10 days of work during the previous year are eligible to become members in labour groups.

Objectives of labour groups

  • Raising of demand for work and ensuring that it is provided on time, during the period required.
  • Improve planning for local employment to maximise work from existing sources and then adding on the MGNREGS entitlement of 100 days to fill gaps.
  • Collectively accessing different work opportunities in and around the village.
  • Improving worksite environment and facilities.
  • Interacting with MGNREGS functionaries and sorting out different issues especially in getting grievances redressed.
  • Ensuring all the process and providers of MGNREGS adhered to and the entitlements are provided.
  • Bringing about a culture of mutual help while carrying out different tasks related to their work.
  • Building awareness on different developmental and legal entitlements and developing capacity to access them.
  • Enabling raising of the collective voice of the poor in various local participatory fora especially the Gram Sabha.
  • Inducing a process of skill development so that over a period of time the workers can move out of manual labour into semi-skilled and skilled work.
  • Developing social capital and the capacity for local public action.
  • Strengthening in Social Audit.

Functions of labour groups

  • Ensure the entitlements of MGNREGA accessed in letter and spirit.
  • Ensure the quality of work at the desired level.
  • Motivate every worker to put in his/her best effort.
  • Guard against malpractices and bring to the notice of authorities if any.
  • Collectively take up grievances.

The Rights of the labour groups

Labour groups shall have the following rights.

  • Get the details of work and measurements in a language understood by them.
  • Verify all records related to MGNREGS
  • Take up individual and collective grievances
  • Seek and obtain written information on matters related to MGNREGS and also written response to doubts related to the scheme.
  • Trained regularly not only on the implementation of MGNREGS but also to acquire skills.
  • Collect membership fee not exceeding `100 per year.

Obligations of labour groups

  • Act democratically and inclusively without any discrimination in terms of caste, religion, gender,class etc.
  • Meeting frequently but at least once a month
  • Maintain accounts in the manner prescribed.
  • Keep records as prescribed
  • Function transparently
  • Ensure cooperation among members and to sort out conflicts.

Source : FAQs of MGNREGA operational guidelines - 2013

Last Modified : 6/27/2024

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