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Antimicrobial Resistance in Broiler Chickens: Challenges and Solutions


Antimicrobial agents have been widely used in broiler chicken production to prevent and treat diseases, as well as to promote growth. However, the overuse and misuse of these agents have led to the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, posing significant risks to animal welfare, food safety, and public health.

Causes of Antimicrobial Resistance

  1. Overuse of Antibiotics: Antibiotics are often used prophylactically and as growth promoters in broiler production.
    This widespread use creates selective pressure, encouraging the proliferation of resistant bacteria.
  2. Inadequate Dosage and Duration: Incorrect dosing and incomplete treatment courses can contribute to the development of resistance. Sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics in feed and water are particularly problematic.
  3. Environmental Contamination: Antibiotic residues in poultry litter, feces, and wastewater can spread resistant bacteria to the environment. These residues can enter the food chain and affect human health.

Impacts of Antimicrobial Resistance

  1. Animal Health: Resistant infections in broiler chickens can lead to higher morbidity and mortality rates. Treatment failures result in economic losses for poultry producers.
  2. Human Health: Resistant bacteria from poultry can be transmitted to humans through direct contact or consumption of contaminated meat. This can lead to difficult-to-treat infections in humans, increasing healthcare costs and mortality rates.
  3. Environmental Impact: The spread of resistant bacteria in the environment can affect other animals and ecosystems. This contributes to the broader issue of antimicrobial resistance in various bacterial populations.

Strategies to Mitigate Antimicrobial Resistance

  • Responsible Use of Antibiotics: Implementing strict guidelines for antibiotic use in poultry production is essential. Antibiotics should be used only when necessary and under veterinary supervision.
  • Alternative Approaches: Probiotics, prebiotics, and phytogenics can be used to enhance gut health and reduce the need for antibiotics. Vaccination programs can prevent diseases, decreasing the reliance on antibiotics.
  • Improved Management Practices: Enhancing biosecurity measures can prevent the introduction and spread of infections. Good husbandry practices, including proper nutrition and housing, can improve overall flock health.
  • Monitoring and Surveillance: Regular monitoring of antimicrobial use and resistance patterns is crucial for early detection and management. Surveillance programs can help track the effectiveness of interventions and guide policy decisions.


Antimicrobial resistance in broiler chickens is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. By promoting responsible antibiotic use, exploring alternative strategies, and improving management practices, the poultry industry can mitigate the risks associated with AMR. Ongoing research and collaboration among stakeholders are essential to ensure the sustainability of broiler production and protect public health.


  1. Gayatri Gujar, Assistant Professor, Livestock Production management, CVAS, Jodhpur, RAJUVAS, Rajasthan 
  2. Jagriti Srivastav, Assistant Professor, Animal Nutrition, CVAS, Jodhpur, RAJUVAS, Rajasthan
  3. Pooja Solanki, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Medicine, CVAS, Jodhpur, RAJUVAS, Rajasthan

Last Modified : 8/31/2024

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