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Environmental enrichment in Broiler chicken


Broiler chickens are often raised in intensive farming systems that can limit their natural behaviors, leading to welfare concerns. 

Environmental enrichment is a crucial aspect of modern poultry farming, aimed at improving the welfare and productivity of broiler chickens. Environmental enrichment involves modifying the chickens’ environment to promote natural behaviors, enhance physical and mental health, and improve overall welfare.

Types of Environmental Enrichment

  • Perching Spaces: Providing perches allows chickens to exhibit natural roosting behavior, which can reduce stress and improve leg health. The European Chicken Commitment (ECC) recommends at least 2 meters of usable perch space per 1,000 birds.
  • Pecking Substrates: Pecking substrates, such as straw bales or pecking blocks, encourage foraging behavior and reduce feather pecking. ECC guidelines suggest at least 2 pecking substrates per 1,000 birds.
  • Dust Bathing Areas: Dust bathing is a natural behavior that helps chickens maintain feather condition and reduce parasites. Providing areas with sand or other suitable materials can promote this behavior.
  • Toys and Novel Objects: Introducing toys and novel objects can stimulate curiosity and reduce boredom.
    Examples include hanging CDs, balls, and other safe, manipulable items.

Benefits of Environmental Enrichment

  1. Improved Welfare: Enrichment reduces stress, fearfulness, and abnormal behaviors such as feather pecking. Chickens with access to enrichment exhibit more natural behaviors, such as foraging and dust bathing.
  2. Enhanced Physical Health: Enrichment can improve leg health, reduce the prevalence of conditions like subclinical spondylolisthesis, and enhance overall physical development. Providing perches and platforms supports better muscle and bone development.
  3. Increased Productivity: Healthier, less stressed chickens often show improved growth rates and feed conversion efficiency. Enrichment can lead to better meat quality and yield.

Implementation Strategies

  1. Early Introduction: Introducing enrichment early in the chickens’ lives helps them adapt and benefit more from the provided resources. Ensuring the brooding environment has similar features to the coop can ease the transition.
  2. Regular Rotation: Rotating enrichment items regularly keeps the environment stimulating and prevents habituation. Monitoring chicken interaction with enrichment can guide adjustments and improvements.
  3. Space and Density Considerations: Adequate space is essential for chickens to perform natural behaviors. Lower stocking densities combined with enrichment can significantly enhance welfare.


Environmental enrichment is a vital component of humane and productive broiler chicken farming. By incorporating perching spaces, pecking substrates, dust bathing areas, and toys, farmers can improve the welfare and productivity of their flocks. Ongoing research and practical implementation will continue to refine these strategies, ensuring better outcomes for both chickens and producers.

Further Reading

  • Riber, A.B., Van De Weerd, H.A., De Jong, I.C. and Steenfeldt, S., 2018. Review of environmental enrichment for broiler chickens. Poultry science, 97(2), pp.378-396.
  • Grandin, T., 2023. A practical approach to providing environmental enrichment to pigs and broiler chickens housed in intensive systems. Animals, 13(14), p.2372.

Content Contributors

  1. Gayatri Gujar, Assistant Professor, Livestock Production management, CVAS, Jodhpur, RAJUVAS, Rajasthan
  2. Pooja Solanki, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Medicine, CVAS, Jodhpur, RAJUVAS, Rajasthan
  3. Jagriti Srivastav, Assistant Professor, Animal Nutrition, CVAS, Jodhpur, RAJUVAS, Rajasthan

Last Modified : 8/31/2024

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