Kendriya Vidyalayas
- KV STEEL PROJECT, Vishakhapatnam
- KV WALTAIR, Vishakhapatnam
- KV NAD, Vishakhapatnam
- KV INS Kalinga Bheemunipatnam, Vishakhapatnam
- KV NAD, Vishakhapatnam
- KV Malkapuram, Vishakhapatnam
- KV WALTAIR Vishakhapatnam
Jawahar Navodya Vidyalaya
Schools in Vishakapatnam
To locate the schools in Vishakapatnam, click here.
Choose the state and district to see the list of schools.
List of A.P.Model Schools in Visakhapatnam District
- AP Model School, Murapaka, Ravikamatham Mandal. Phone : 7032996533
- AP Model School, Manchala, Cheedikada Mandal, Phone : 7032996534
- AP Model School, Tegadda, Kasimkota Mandal, Phone : 7032996535
- AP Model School, Patti Palli, Munagapaka mandal, Phone : 7032996536
- AP Model School, Veemulapudi, Narasipatnam Mandal, Phone : 7032996537
Last Modified : 12/14/2023
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