Orchha block, also known as Abujhmad block, is situated in Narayanpur district of Chhattisgarh state. It has a spread of around 4,975.51 sq km with difficult hilly terrain and dense forests. It is well known for Abujhmadia tribes, who practice their traditional forms of living to this day. This region is affected with Left Wing Extremism as the geography provides a safe zone for Naxal activities. Since Independence, the Government has been trying to light the huts/houses of Abujhmadia tribes by providing electricity connections. But until April 2016, only 38 villages had a functioning electricity supply.
The district administration, Narayanpur, decided to light the houses/huts of Abujhmad. The state initiated the use of solar systems instead of conventional transmission and distribution line systems under Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY). These were aimed at lighting 112 Abujhmad villages which are more Naxal-sensitive and lie in dense forest with difficult access. Mass mobilisation was used to spread awareness about the advantages of lighting and solar systems, and to generate faith in the system. Under the scheme, the State trained local people in the installation and maintenance of solar system components and also encouraged the Abujhmadia local people to assist in transportation and installation of solar panels. The responsibility of installation of solar lighting system was given to CREDA (Chhattigarh Renewable Energy Development Agency) Narayanpur branch as the nodal department with CSPDCL (Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited) as a supporting agency.
The initiative has succeeded in lighting 112 villages with 2,820 households of Abujhmad as on 31st December 2017. After 70 years of independence, these villages finally have access to electricity. Three 9W LED bulbs, one fan and one multipurpose socket connection have been provided to each beneficiary, through the installation of one solar unit. This initiative also opens up the opportunity for the Abujhmadia people to connect to the outside world through radio and television, which may have further positive impacts on their lives. Along with the satisfaction of electrification, villagers are content and the initiative is made sustainable, as they do not have to pay electricity bills. Also, since young men are being trained to install the solar panels, this is helping them develop their skills and creating employment.
Source : Aspirational Districts for WEB
Last Modified : 9/4/2023
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