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Places to visit in Rajnandgaon District

Kharkhara Dam

The total driving Distance from Rajnandgaon to Kharkhara Dam is 99.0 Kms Or 61.515729 Miles . Your trip begins at Rajnandgaon. It ends at Kharkhara Dam. If you are planning a road trip, it will take you 0 Days : 2 Hours : 39 Minutes, To travel from Rajnandgaon to Kharkhara Dam.

You can also calculate the travel cost from Rajnandgaon to Kharkhara Dam based on current local fuel prices and an estimate of your car’s best gas mileage. You are travelling a short distance you can easily travel during the day time. It’s mostly considered safe to travel during the day time.

Khaara Reserve Forest

A reserved forest (also called reserve forest) or a protected forest in India are terms denoting forests accorded a certain degree of protection. The term was first introduced in the Indian Forest Act, 1927 in British India, to refer to certain forests granted protection under the British crown in British India, but not associated suzerainty. After Indian independence, the Government of India retained the status of the existing reserved and protected forests, as well as incorporating new reserved and protected forests. A large number of forests which came under the jurisdiction of the Government of India during the political integration of India were initially granted such protection.Khara is a reserve forest.

Mangata Wildlife Park

This environmental park in Kangta has 250 chickens, 150 wild boars, peacocks, hyena, rabbit, wild cat and other small wild animals. There is a lot of cheetah here, which is why it remains a tourist attraction for tourists. Apart from this, two-km long Nature Tracking Path has been built for the students of the school and college. This is also proving to be better for the youth. Attempts are made to make this more convenient.

Maa Bamleshwari Temple

Dongargarh is a city and municipality in Rajnandgaon District in the state of Chhattisgarh, India and the site of the Bambleshwari Temple. A prominent pilgrim destination in Rajnandgaon District, the city lies about 35 kilometres west from Rajnandgaon, 67 kilometres west from Durg and 132 kilometres east from Bhandara which are situated on National Highway 6. Featuring majestic mountains and ponds, Dongargarh is derived from the words: Dongarh meaning ‘mountains’ and garh meaning ‘fort’. The Maa Bamleshwari Devi Temple, situated on a 1,600 feet high hilltop, is a popular landmark. It is of great spiritual importance and several legends are associated with this shrine too. Another prominent shrine in the vicinity is Chhoti Bamleshwari Temple. Devotees flock these temples during Navratri. Shivji Temple and temples dedicated to Lord Hanuman are also located here. The ropeway is an added attraction and is the only passenger ropeway in Chhattisgarh. A severe accident occurred in 2016 when the ropeway broke and fell down killing several people. The town is known for religious Harmony and has considerable population of Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians and Jains apart from Hindus.

Patal Bhairvi Temple

Barfani dham is a temple in the town of Rajnandgaon in Chhattisgarh. A large Shiva Linga can be seen at the top of the temple while a large Nandi statue stands in front of it.The temple is constructed in three levels. The bottom layer is the shrine of Patal bhairavi, the second is the Navadurga or Tripura Sundari shrine and the upper level is of Shiva.

Source :  Rajnandgaon

Last Modified : 8/16/2023

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