Godda is an aspirational district as declared by NITI Aayog and this project aims to improve the parameters of education among children in the region. It also aims to improve Quality of Education and enhance Learning Outcomes in Middle and Higher Secondary (6th-12th) Government Schools with respect to following parameters a) Decline in dropout rate of students b) Increase in attendance rate, c) Increase in Average Passing Percentages, d) Increase in average score of the marks.
Key Aspects
- The Gyanodaya Model has structured its process in a way that it gives the students and their teachers a personalized feedback comparing the baseline of 30,000 students with the impact of Gyanodaya.
- The adoption of Virtual Reality Technology has given Gyanodaya a cutting-edge over the rising attempts of bringing Sci-Fi in education.
- The visually appealing, easy-to-grasp and retainable concepts covered in the study materials has led to a big leap in the class-wise attendance compared to the figures of past years.
- Gyanodaya through its e-learning modules has given students access to smart classes, which can be operated at the fixed computing infrastructure by them.
- Gyanodaya has successfully arrested dropout rates, catalysed an increase in attendance rates, and given tangible results of students’ performance in examinations. The project that began in 2018 has reached 70,000 students across 276 schools in the district. In the 2019-20 class 10 board examination, the passing percentage of the Godda district touched 75%, a whopping improvement from 66% in 2018-19 and 50% in 2017-18. The initiative has also trained teachers from 330 schools to prepare them for 2021-22. Looking at the learning outcomes achieved by the students in this district, the State Government has decided to implement the Gyanodaya model in the entire state.
Beneficiary of the Project
Multiple benefits of digital learning have been observed in the transformation of around 70,000 children such as - digital skills, decision making capabilities, visual learning, cultural awareness, improved academic performance and inventiveness.
Source : NCEG
Last Modified : 1/28/2024
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