Washimdistrict is agriculture oriented categorised under agro climatic zone seven and eight. Washimdistrictreceived rainfall 828 mm. The district is scattered with prominantly plain surface land .Washim district lies longitude 76.7 to 77.4 deg and latitude 19.61 to 21.16 deg.The year can be broadly divided into three seasons as Kharif which starts from June and ends September. While Rabi ranges from October to January and Summer season fall within period of February to May.
Agriculture sector continues to be the pivotal sector in the economy of Washim. The Whole District divided in four agro ecological situation
Washim District has diversified fruit and vegetable production which includes kagzi lime banana, papaya,and mandarin. Farmers are also diversified towards pomegranates. The horticulture industry generates income through its quality of fruit and vegetable production and productivity. It also creates employment opportunities and enhances nutritional security of the farmers in the District. They are very innovative and are involved in organic cultivation.
The District has 44 tanks and 5 Reservoirs with a water spread area of 3119 ha. shows a brightscope for extension of the activity across the District.The District has 40 registered co-operative societies and increasing demand for fish in the cities aswell as in rural areas can be exploited to improve the marketing of fish.
Source: http://krishi.maharashtra.gov.in/Site/Upload/Pdf/washim_cdap.pdf
Last Modified : 7/7/2023
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