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Women & Children Initiatives


“Balamrutham” is the weaning food introduced under ICDS to provide improved supplementary nutrition to children between 7 months to 3 years. The weaning food is a preparation of wheat, chana dal, milk powder, oil and sugar. It is fortified and thus provides 50% of iron, calcium, vitamins and other RDA that children require per day. The composition and nutritive values of Balamrutham is indicated at Table-I and II respectively.

The recommended quantity is 100 gms which is to be given to children 3-5 times every day. For children below one year, Balamrutham can be served as porridge mixed with hot water and for older children, it can be given in the form of “Laddu”.

Balamrutham is distributed in packets of 2.5 Kg per child per month. It is distributed on first day of every month on Nutrition Health Day-1 to mothers of 7 months - 3 years children as Take Home Ration. Along with Balamrutham packet, these children also receive 2 eggs a week at the AWC under ICDS Food Model for 7months to 3 years.

Balamrutham serves not only as a weaning food but also as a caloric dense food to reduce malnutrition and is therefore used as part of Supervised feeding for malnourished children.

Aarogya Lakshmi Scheme

Aarogya Lakshmi scheme is a nutritional program to support pregnant and lactating women by the Government of Telangana. The scheme is available for women below and above poverty line, over 2.71 lakh pregnant women and 2.03 lakh lactating mothers are being served one full meal at 35,000 Anganwadi centres in the State. It is designed on the lines of the World Health Organization guidelines on nutrition for women and children.

For more details  visit, WDCW Department of Women Development & Child Welfare


he state government has launched KCR Kit Scheme for pregnant women. Pregnant women can utilize this scheme for maximum 2 deliveries. Women who give birth at a government hospital can utilize this scheme. The main aim of this scheme is to provide all the necessary items for pregnant women and the newborn baby. Under this scheme, pregnant women will be provided with financial assistance of Rs. 12,000 in three phases. In case of a baby girl, an additional Rs. 1000 will be given by the government. KCR Kit contains Baby oil, Soaps useful for mother and child, Mosquito net, Dresses, Handbag, Toys for child, Diapers, Powder, Shampoo, Sarees, Towel and Napkins, Baby bed.

She Team

The program of She teams was launched on 24th October, 2014 with the aim of curbing eveteasing in all aspects, in all forms, at all places, providing safety andsecurity to women in the society, facilitating healthy environment for womens mobility thereby building up confidence in women.

Women across the State can now report their security-related grievances on a WhatsApp helpline number (9441669988) launched by the SHE Team of Telangana police.Issues ranging from domestic violence, sexual harassment to stalking, among others, can be reported on the 24x7 non-emergency helpline number. 

Last Modified : 6/20/2023

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