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eSankhyiki Portal

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) is the nodal Ministry for integrated development of the national statistical system in the country in tune with the global statistical practices and data dissemination standards. MoSPI is committed to enhancing user experience and data accessibility through use of cutting-edge technologies and the adoption of global best practices.

In line with this mandate, the Ministry has developed an eSankhyiki portal to provide real-time inputs for planners, policy-makers, researchers and the public at large. The objective of this portal is to establish a comprehensive data management and sharing system for ease of dissemination of official statistics in the country.

Modules of eSankhyiki Portal

The eSankhyiki Portal has two modules namely:

  • Data Catalogue Module: This module catalogues the major data assets of the Ministry at one place for ease of access. This module allows users to search within datasets, including within tables, and download data of interest to increase its value and re-usability. The module has seven data products, namely National Accounts Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Index of Industrial Production, Annual Survey of Industries, Periodic Labour Force Survey, Household Consumption Expenditure Survey and Multiple Indicator Survey. The Data Catalogue section already includes over 2291 datasets along with specific metadata and visualization for each dataset for user convenience.
  • Macro Indicators Module: This module offers time series data of key macro indicators with features for filtering and visualizing data enabling ease of access for the users. The module also allows users to download custom datasets, visualizations and sharing them through APIs, thereby increasing the re-usability of data. The first phase of the module includes four major products of MoSPI: National Accounts Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Index of Industrial Production, and Annual Survey of Industries, encompassing the data of last ten years.

The portal currently hosts more than 1.7 million records.

The Data Catalogue Module: has officially been launched on the Statistics Day 2024 - June 29. It is a user centric data portal which facilitates use and reuse of information for creating impact through value addition and analysis by the users. 


Last Modified : 8/6/2024

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