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National Data and Analytics Platform

National Data and Analytics Platform

The National Data and Analytics Platform (or NDAP) is NITI Aayog’s flagship initiative to improve access and use of government data. NDAP is a user-friendly web platform that aggregates and hosts datasets from across India’s vast statistical infrastructure.

Features of NDAP

The platform aims to democratize access to public government data by making data accessible, interoperable, interactive, and available on a user-friendly platform. The platform provides standardised datasets from across India’s vast landscape of administrative data.


NITI Aayog aims to make data more accessible by hosting data in clean, machine-readable formats, ensuring datasets are interoperable, and providing detailed documentation on the contents of each dataset. As of May 2022, NDAP hosts 203 datasets from across 14 sectors and 46 Ministries.


Datasets on the platform are required to meet a minimum data quality standard that is defined using NDAP’s in-house 5-star rating framework. Applying this minimum standard ensures that all datasets on NDAP are accompanied by detailed documentation, have been mapped to a common data schema (the Local Government Directory), and have passed internal data quality checks to ensure that they remain true to the source. To know more about the data quality methodology used for NDAP datasets, please refer to  Standardization Document or the Processing Report on each dataset page.


Datasets on NDAP are made interoperable by mapping them to a common set of geographical and temporal identifiers using the Ministry of Panchayati Raj Local Government Directory Code. This enables users to merge datasets from different sectors and sources for easier cross-sectoral analysis.

NDAP's in-built Merge tool allows users to merge up to 3 datasets for cross-dataset analysis. To use the merge tool, click on the “Merge datasets” button on the dataset profile page to use the merge tool.


NDAP users can create flexible tables and visualizations for easy exploratory analysis using the platform’s in-built analysis tools. Users can create maps, bar charts, line charts, pie charts, choropleth (heat maps), and scatter plots using any dataset and indicator on NDAP at levels of aggregation that are most suitable for their analysis.


NDAP centers the user experience in data delivery by hosting use-case relevant datasets, ensuring that the platform experience is user friendly, and regularly soliciting and incorporating user feedback.

NDAP’s dataset identification process incorporates use-case-based inputs from sector experts in academia, policy, journalism, etc. This process ensures that the datasets available on NDAP are relevant to the needs of real-life data users. You can use the Suggest Datasets feature available on the platform to suggest relevant datasets to be hosted onto NDAP.

Datasets on NDAP are organized clearly to enable users to find the datasets they require. Users can find datasets from the same source using Dataset Collections - NDAP’s unique method for aggregating datasets generated from the same source, process, or tool. NDAP’s natural-language enabled search allows users to find specific datasets, indicators, or collections. Search results can be filtered according to state/district, Ministry, Sector, time period, and geographical granularity. Users can also register on NDAP to see personalized search results based on their usage history.

Help Tutorials

To view the help video tutorials, click here.

Source : National Data & Analytics Platform

Last Modified : 5/18/2024

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