Browser JSGuard is a browser extension which detects and defends malicious HTML & JS attacks made through the web browser based on Heuristics. It alerts the user on visiting any malicious web pages and provides the detailed analysis threat report of the web page
Features list
Download links
For Firefox Web Browser:
For Google Chrome Web Browser:
AppSamvid allows only the approved applications to execute on end system contrary to traditional antivirus which blocks only known malware using signatures. Whitelisting has advantage of requiring less frequent updates compared to blacklisting as in antivirus software.
Features list:
To download AppSamvid, click here
USBPratirodh is a software solution which controls unauthorized usage of portable USB mass storage devices like pen drive, external hard drives, cell phones, IPods, camera. Only authenticated users can access the removable storage media. This works for Windows operating systems.
It is available for free download at
ADC is an indigenous antimalware security solution to prevent unauthorized access of USB mass storage device and prevent execution of unauthorized application on endpoint systems. ADC is centralized management console to manage client components in Windows Active Directory Domain Network.
To purchase Application and Device Control solution please contact: +919248920203 or e-mail to
M-Kavach is a comprehensive mobile device security solution for Android devices addressing threats related to mobile phones. It addresses threats related to malware that steal personal data & credentials, misuse WiFi and Bluetooth resources, lost or stolen mobile device, spam SMSs, premium-rate SMS and unwanted / unsolicited incoming calls.
It is available for free download at
Source: C-DAC,Hyderabad
Last Modified : 3/1/2020
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