National Career Service (NCS) aims to bridge the gap between those who need jobs and those who want to hire them, between people seeking career guidance and training and those who can provide the counselling and training. NCS brings jobseekers, employers, counselors, trainers and placement organisations together on one platform by offering convergence of information that enlightens minds and empowers people.
National Career Service aims at reaching out to people across the country, in particular the youth, through a well-designed structure that comprises an ICT-based portal, a countrywide set-up of career centres, a multilingual call centre, and a network of career counsellors.
1. NCS portal - Job opportunities at the click of a button
The NCS Portal links job-seekers, employers, counsellors and training providers, all through Aadhaar-based authentication. Registration is online and free of charge. The portal provides information on over 3000 career options from 53 key industry Sectors - from IT to Textiles, Construction to Automobiles, Pharma and much more. Job-seekers also have access to industry trends in a user-friendly way.
2. Career centres - Hubs of Career related Services
In case people are unable to register online, they can register themselves Development by visiting the nearest Career Centre and get notifications on all kinds of jobs, career counseling, job fairs and various other employment-related services. The Government is transforming Job Fairs Employment Exchanges and University Placements Employment Information Guidance Bureaus into Career Centres, To locate the career centres, click here.
3. Call Centre - A helpline to get started on the NCS platform
A multilingual call centre to cater to the needs of those who face difficulty in registration or have other queries. The Call Centre is operational from Tuesday to Sunday, 8 AM to 8 PM (1800-425-1514).
Job seekers
Job-seekers can now make an informed decision by going through the 3000+ career options available to them from as many as 53 industry sectors on the NCS platform. All they have to do is register online on the portal or offline at Career Centers or CSCs. They can avail the following services.
For the complete information on registration and accessing the services, click here.
Employers can now locate the talent most appropriate for their organisations by looking through a countrywide database of workforce from blue-collar workers to white-collar staff. They simply need to register, at no charge, online or offline to avail the following services.
For the complete information on registration and accessing the services, click here.
A counsellor is a trained professional who can help you to resolve problems in a positive way by helping you to clarify an issue, explore options, develop strategies and increase self - awareness. The portal will also be equipped to provide psychometric and other similar tests which can help job seeker to identify his/her area of interest and strength. The results of the test will be uploaded alongside the profile of the job seeker. This will also aid counsellors to do a skill gap analysis of their client. This will help them in guiding the job seeker with appropriate career guidance depending upon his/her requirement. Counsellors who have signed in at NCS portal can access the following services.
For the complete information on registration and accessing the services, click here.
Career centres
The Career Center offers a variety of professional development services and programs to explore job seekers' interests, discover paths to opportunities, and prepare for professional interactions. Career centres can avail the following services on registration.
For guidelines on career centres, click here.
For the complete information on registration and accessing the services, click here.
Skill providers
For those who provide specialised training to enhance the capabilities of job seekers to get better jobs, the NCS platform provides the following services.
For the complete information on registration and accessing the services, click here.
Placement organisations
A Placement Organisation is a person who runs a private business. The NCS portal helps a placement organisation to search for jobseeker matching their requirements and hire them. The following services can be accessed on registration.
For the complete information on registration and accessing the services, click here.
Government departments
The NCS portal helps Government Departments to search for jobseeker matching their requirements and hire them. To do so the Govt. Department has to register themselves on the portal. The following services can be accessed on registration.
For the complete information on registration and accessing the services, click here.
Local services
A unique service on the NCS Portal brings together the households with those who offer specialised services for homes like drivers, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and others, all of whom are local area service providers. On one hand this helps the small needs in the household to be addressed smoothly while on the other hand it generates employment for people at the grassroots. These service providers are Aadhaar authenticated to ensure security of the household. To access the services, click here.
Information for entrepreneurs
With better access to finance, technology and open markets, the self-employed workforce has a huge potential for to grow and become entrepreneurs who could provide employment opportunities to others.
Towards this aim of encouraging entrepreneurship, NCS brings a collation of material and helpful links to facilitate entrepreneurs on their entrepreneurship journey. To access the information, click here.
Source: National Career Service
Last Modified : 3/1/2020
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