Telangana State Mana Isuka Vahanam (“My Sand Vehicle”)
To curb sand mafia and end illegal sand mining, Govt. of Telangana has initiated an innovative State-wide e-Governance Solution called ‘Mana Isuka Vahanam’ (‘My Sand Vehicle’) in Telangana w.e.f. 1st May 2019 to ‘enhance efficiency in sand transactions, effectiveness in control, transparency in operations, accountability at all levels, sustainability in the long run and convenience to all the stakeholders.
Key Aspects
- TS-MIV is bilingual (Telugu & English) and developed on innovative technologies and is without any manual interventions or physical touch points throughout the automated end-to-end processes of Sand Procurement & Delivery Management System.
- Through TS-MIV, citizens can book sand through a single click and get it delivered at their doorstep by paying a nominal amount online; citizens are no longer required to visit District Mines and Geology office physically for sand booking.
- TS-MIV provides a suite of sand procurement and delivery solution to all the stakeholders in the value chain including customers, tractor owners, Dept. of Mines & Geology and District Sand Management Societies headed by the Collectors in Telangana State.
Beneficiary of the Project
TS-MIV has created opportunities for rural youth employing more than 11000 tractor owners and laborers in sand reaches. TS-MIV has led to increase in construction activity creating jobs in construction sector as well.
Source : NCEG
Last Modified : 1/19/2024
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