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Scheme for Promotion of Culture of Science


Considering the gradual decline in the interest level of young students to pursue careers in the field of S & T in the country, there is a pressing need to strengthen STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics) education by creating additional infrastructure for hands-on and engaging activities, especially in non-formal mode of education. There is also a need to have an adequate level of awareness of science and technology in society.

The successive science policies of the Government of India have emphasised the popularisation and awareness of science and technology and creation of infrastructure for activity-based learning for the masses, especially the young generation. There is also a need to broaden the knowledge base of the people on science, technology and current global issues for sustainable development of the society and considered decision making. Since India has to progress in the knowledge economy era, it has to develop an innovative society through creation of facilities for engagement, creativity and innovation.

Furthermore, India is going to have a youth population of around 60-65% by 2020 and the future rests on its ability to harness their creative potential. There is a growing need to develop a culture of innovation and problem solving skills amongst the youth to enable them to engineer solutions in food, water, healthcare access, education and affordable housing; and find environment friendly energy sources. These solutions which are important to benefit a large section of society will be crucial for bridging the widening disparity in the country. A strong innovation eco-system is very important for creating an innovation society which facilitates the birth of new ideas and also provide platforms for the successful exploitation of these ideas.

Development of Science Cities/ Science Centres and Innovation Hubs in different parts of the country has been a focus area of activities of Ministry of Culture. National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), an autonomous organization of Ministry of Culture is the implementing agency to set up science cities/centres and Innovation Hubs.

Science cities/centres and Innovation Hubs

Science City

A Science City is aimed to be a popular tourist attraction of the location. It provides an experiment based immersive learning ambience to inculcate a spirit of inquiry, foster creative talent and create scientific temper in the community as a whole. It is characterised by its two pronged channel of communication - exhibits and activities. While the exhibits, both indoor and outdoor, are mostly interactive, the demonstrations and training programmes are also fully participatory and help children and the adults alike to learn the basics of science through fun and enjoyment. It will be large in dimension with a focus in frontier areas of Science and Technology and edutainment and shall be financially self-sustainable. It shall be conceptualized in such a manner that it is attractive and useful to students, families, tourist and general public. It will use state-of-the-art communication tools and technology in its presentation.

Science Centre

A Science Centre provides the scope of doing science' adopting a hands-on approach for which it offers to the visitor a number of experimental options through which they can discover the scientific concept themselves. Such mode of education has so far proved to be very effective in supplementing formal science education in our country.

Innovation Hubs

Innovation Hubs would be co-located in the existing Science Cities/Science Centres, science museums and non-formal educational institutions that promote creativity & inspire innovations. This co-location would not only promote more effective utilization of these centres, but would redefine their usage and role in fostering problem solving and project based learning and provide hands on / practical learning and engagement in the process of science, technology and innovation. The hubs would serve as springboards for new ideas and innovation and thus helping the society and economy to face future challenges and meet rising aspirations of the growing population.


The Science City/Science Centre will have primarily the following objectives:

  • To portray the growth of science and technology and their application in industry and human welfare, with a view to develop scientific attitude and temper and to create, inculcate and sustain a general awareness amongst the people;
  • To create awareness & enhance public understanding, appreciation & engagement of public in the process of Science & technology:
  • To popularise science and technology for the benefit of students and for the common man of the region by organising exhibitions, seminars, popular lectures, science camps and various other programmes,
  • To supplement science education given in schools and colleges and to organise various out-of-school educational activities to foster a spirit of scientific inquiry and creativity among the students;
  • To design, develop and fabricate science museum exhibits, demonstration equipment and scientific teaching aids for science education and popularisation of science;
  • To organise training programmes for science teachers students/young entrepreneurs/ technicians/physically challenged/housewives and others on specific subjects of science, technology and industry.

The Innovation Hub will have primarily the following objectives:

  • To equip and strengthen activities of the existing Science Cities/Science Centres/institutions to inspire innovations by young children;
  • To catalyse creation of more innovation hubs in different parts of the country especially in rural areas;
  • To provide appropriate environment to nurture creative and innovating ideas of young children.

Basic Criteria

I. Population:

Sr. No.




Science City

To be located preferably in those places where no major Science Centre exists. However, in locations where footfall to the science centre is substantial the science centre could be upgraded to a Science City or a separate Science City could be set up in State capitals or the largest city of the State provided that the Science City is viable and financially self-sustainable.


Science Centre (Category-I)

To be located in a city/town with a population of 15 lakhs or more.


Science Centre (Category-II)

To be located in a city/town with a population between 5 and 15 lakhs.


Science Centre (Category-III)

To be located in a city/town/locations with a population less than 5 lakhs.


Innovation Hubs

To be preferably co-located in the existing Science Cities/Science Centres, science museums, non-formal education institutions that promote creativity & inspire innovations.

II. Land:

Sr. No.


Area required



Science City

At least 25 acres of; However to do justice to exhibits, facilities especially those requiring open spaces and future expansion 30 acres would be preferable. Minimum 7 acres

Preferably centrally located, easily accessible, fully developed, without any lowlying area and of fairly regular shape, secured (with boundary wall) without any encumbrances



Science Centre (Category-I)

Minimum 7 acres



Science Centre (Category-II)

Minimum 5.0 acres

For NE region, hilly terrains and island territories. 2.5 to 3.0 acres will be acceptable provided the land is having good vicinity & accessibility.



Science Centre (Category-III)

Minimum 2.0 acres



Innovation Hub

Minimum 1.0 acres

To be preferably co-located in the existing Science Cities/Science Centres, science museums, non-formal education institutions that promote creativity & inspire innovations.


III. Project Cost

a. Science City


Capital Cost

Corpus Fund

Total Project Cost

All locations (other than NER including Sikkim, Hilly Terrain and Island territories)




NER including Sikkim




Hilly Terrain and Island Territories other than location in NER including Sikkim




b. Science Centre (Category-I)


Capital Cost

Corpus Fund

Total Project Cost

All locations (other than NER including Sikkim, Hilly Terrain and Island territories)




NER including Sikkim




Hilly Terrain and Island Territories other than location in NER including Sikkim




c. Science Centre (Category-II)


Capital Cost

Corpus Fund

Total Project Cost

All locations (other than NER including Sikkim, Hilly Terrain and Island territories)




NER including Sikkim




Hilly Terrain and Island Territories other than location in NER including Sikkim





d. Science Centre (Category-III)


Capital Cost

Corpus Fund

Total Project Cost

All locations (other than NER including Sikkim, Hilly Terrain and Island territories)




NER including Sikkim




Hilly Terrain and Island Territories other than location in NER including Sikkim




e. Innovation Hubs


Capital Cost

Recurring Cost for 3 years (@ 0.20)

Total Project Cost

All locations




Funding Pattern

The funding pattern of Science Cities, Science Centres and Innovation Hubs will be variable. Funds will be provided as per the three categories discussed below:

  1. Type 'A': Full funding from MoC, GOI Science City is not to be set up under Type ‘A’. For Science Centres to be set up in locations /regions where the Science Centre activities have not yet started or in priority areas Ministry of Culture, Government of India may consider providing full funding for such Centres through NCSM. In no case, more than one Science Centre will be set up in any State/U.T. in future, under the scheme. In states/UTs where NCSM centres are already existing, such provision shall not be applicable.
  2. Type 'B': Funding to be shared between GOI & State Govt./UTs The capital cost for Science City will be shared on 60:40 basis and for Science Centre (Category I, II, III) will be shared on 50:50 basis except for NER including Sikkim for which the capital cost for Science City and for Science Centre (Category I, II, III) is to be shared in 90:10 basis. The corpus fund, if shared by Government of India, in no case shall exceed 20% of the total Corpus Fund and the balance 80% to be borne by the State Govts./UTS.
  3. Type 'C': Full funding from the State Govt./UTs The State Govts./UTs shall fully fund science city/science centre project under this type and set up the science city/science centre with technical support from NCSM against payment of consultancy charges.

Outcome evaluation indicators:

The Science Cities/Science Centres/Innovation hubs set up under the scheme shall be monitored on the basis of the following Outcome Evaluation indicators:

Science Centres/Cities:

The science centres/cities should strive to achieve the following over a period of 5 years from opening:

  1. Generate at least 50% of their operating cost;
  2. Achieve an annual visitors footfall in the Science Centres as follows:
    • Category - around 250,000 (for NE Region - 200,000);
    • Category- II around 150,000 (for NE Region - 75,000);
    • Category-III (Science & Innovation Activity Centres) around 30,000; iv.
    • Science Cities around 10.00 Lakhs (for NE Region -5.00 Lakhs);
  3. Organize a minimum of 25 Science communication activities, in house and outreach, annually including activities on climate change, biodiversity, nature conservation, topical issues, skill development etc.

Innovation Hubs:

After opening, the innovation hubs should strive to achieve the following:

  1. Enroll at least 300 active innovation members annually;
  2. Increase the number of exposure visits to innovation hubs by school/college students and teachers (Approx. 10,000 annually);
  3. Filing of patents/copyrights on successful innovative prototypes;
  4. Set up at least 10 Innovation clubs in nearby schools.

In addition, the IHs should also strive to:

  • Organize activities such as idea contests, innovation festivals including contests on design and idea challenges on local problems periodically. This will help in involving and engaging youth at the grass-root level in innovative activities, fostering creativity and identification and analysis of local problems.
  • Develop strong linkages with IITs/NITs/Universities/Research Institutions and Industry;
  • Develop synergy with Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL) by collaborating with such labs in the school/institutions across the country by way of exposure visits of student participants to the innovation hub facilities, sharing of success stories and training of mentors.

Who are eligible for financial assistance?

State Governments/Union Territories and the Societies / Authorities promoted by the State/UT Govts. for the purpose of Science City/Science Centre/Innovation hubs shall be eligible for financial assistance from the GOI as per the norms.

How to submit the proposal?

Proposals with DPR may be submitted for consideration to

M-Il Division, Ministry of Culture,
Government of India,
Shastri Bhawan,
New Delhi - 110001

For the complete scheme guidelines, click here.

Source : Ministry of Culture

Last Modified : 6/23/2024

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