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National Curriculum Framework

Why National Curriculum Framework

A National Curriculum Framework is one that defines the overall goals, plans, arrangements, and practices that shape the experiences of students in our country. It is needed to detail the following

  • Curriculum for description of areas of learning - languages, subjects, vocational, skills, attitudes, values, sports, arts, etc.
  • Standards for learning – how learning outcomes will be defined and what they should include
  • Standards for content - what a student is supposed to learn and will be able to do
  • Teaching Learning Material – Core material (textbook development) and Supplementary learning material
  • Classroom transactions - How students learn – how teachers teach; use of technology, art and sports, projects and activities 
  • Evaluation/assessment - How it will be measured/assessed if student has learned; pattern of QPs and exams
  • Other areas – regarding  time management in school, involving local artisans and community members, project-based/game-based/play-based learning,  partnerships, etc.
  • Teacher education - For guiding the reform in system in consonance with the demands and requirement of school education

History of National Curriculum Framework

The frameworks done in this regard are as follows.

1. School Education

2. Early Childhood Care and Education

3. Teacher Education

National Education Policy, 2020

The National Education Policy is a comprehensive framework to guide the development of education in the country. As a policy of education, it not only guides the development of education but also provides directions for regulating and promoting education. The education policy covers education at all the stages including early childhood care and education, school education, higher education, teacher education and vocational education.

The National Education Policy 2020 is the first education policy of the 21st century in India and it aims to address the many growing developmental imperatives of our country. NEP, 2020 was released on 29th July, 2020 in India. As per the policy the aim is to have an education system by 2040 that is second to none, with equitable access to the highest-quality education for all learners regardless of social or economic background.

The policy recommends four national curriculum frameworks such as – National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCFSE), National Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education (NCFECCE), National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) and National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education (NCFAE).

In this regard, a comprehensive strategy has been worked out jointly by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).

Key characteristics of the NCF as envisioned by the NEP 2020

  • The NCF is integrative and holistic. That is, there is coherence within the NCF, and between the NCF and the other aspects of the education system as described in the NEP 2020. There must be coherence among the NCFSE, NCFECCE, NCFTE, and NCFAE.
  • The NCF is empowering and enabling, and not overly prescriptive or deterministic.
  • The NCF enables the federal structure of school education, with States ultimately setting their State or regional curricula, easily incorporating local elements.
  • The NCF incorporates and enables the major paradigm shifts as recommended by the NEP 2020, including:
    • Holistic and multidisciplinary education
    • Emphasis on analytical and creative thinking rather than rote learning
    • The 10+2 structure of education being replaced by 5+3+3+4, in line with the developmental stages of the child. 

Strategy for development of NCF

As per the planned strategy, at the State level- all states/UTs will first prepare their State Curriculum Frameworks (SCFs) passing through the process of district level consultations, mobile app survey and development of position papers by the State Focus Groups in 25 areas/themes identified as per the NEP, 2020 including ECCE, Teacher Education and Adult Education. These draft SCFs will provide inputs to the development of NCFs. States/UTs and Autonomous organisation working under MoE, all will attempt this process to provide inputs for the NCFs. Recommendations of NEP, 2020 will be kept in view during the whole process.

At the National level, NCERT will conduct a survey on MyGov Portal and get feedback from diverse stakeholders on the issues related to curriculum implementation. NCERT will also conduct 2-3 district level consultation in each of the states/UTs for collecting feedback from the grassroot level. Analysing inputs received from the district level consultations, states and national level survey on MyGov portal, National Focus Groups will prepare 25 position papers in the identified areas. Drawing insights from these position papers and draft SCFs, four NCFs will be prepared. The whole process will be done using paperless approach including consultations and preparation of reports at all levels using Tech platform specially designed for the purpose. In view of this, a comprehensive Tech Platform will be developed by the NCERT and NIC, MoE. On this platform all the states/UTs will be provided with e-templates for the consultations, surveys, position papers, etc., and will continuously be supported by the nodal officers nominated at the central level. States will also nominate their nodal officers for smooth and speedy flow of this process. Draft NCFs will be translated in 22 languages given in VIII schedule of the Constitution and shared with the states/UTs for their comments. Taking care of their comments, the NCFs will be given final shape and will be placed before Ministry of Education for the approval processes. After approval, the documents will be disseminated to states/UTs for revising the draft SCFs and also for the implementation of NCFs.

To participate in the survey related to NCF, click here.

Source : NCF portal

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Last Modified : 8/26/2024

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