Tinospora cordifolia, which is known by the common names heart-leaved moonseed, guduchi, and Giloy, is an herbaceous vine of the family Menispermaceae indigenous to tropical regions of the Indian subcontinent.
It is a large, deciduous, extensively spreading, climbing shrub with several elongated twining branches.
Leaves are simple, alternate, and exstipulate with long petioles up to 15 cm (6 in) long which are roundish and pulvinate, both at the base and apex with the basal one longer and twisted partially and halfway around. Lamina are broadly ovate or ovate cordate, 10–20 cm (4–8 in) long or 8–15 cm (3–6 in) broad, seven nerved and deeply cordate at base, membranous, pubescent above, whitish tomentose with a prominent reticulum beneath.
Flowers are unisexual, small on separate plants and appearing when plant is leafless, greenish yellow on axillary and terminal racemes. Male flowers are clustered, but female flowers are usually solitary. It has six sepals in two series of three each. The outer ones are smaller than the inner. It has six petals which are smaller than sepals, obovate, and membranous.
Fruits aggregate in clusters of one to three. They are ovoid smooth drupelets on thick stalks with sub terminal style scars, scarlet or orange coloured
Endophytic fungi colonize the living, internal tissues of their host without causing any harmful effects. A recent study has shown that 29 endophytes belonging to different taxa were present in the samples collected from T. cordifolia. Extracts of the endophytic fungus Nigrospora sphaerica obtained from T. cordifolia were found to have insecticidal properties against the Oriental leafworm moth (Spodoptera litura), a polyphagous pest.
In Ayurveda and Siddha medicine, Tinospora has been used over centuries to treat various diseases. Due to inadequate design or other limitations of clinical research on Tinospora, there is no high-quality clinical evidence that it has any effect on disease.
Giloy is an ancient herb that is packed with an array of benefits. Popular for its immunity boosting properties, Giloy helps in actively fighting against various pathogens. It is a part of Indian medicine from a very long time. Giloy literally means ‘Amrita’, which means the root of immortality. Its abundant medicinal properties have time and again proved that Giloy is one of the most effective natural medicines
Being an anti-pyretic in nature, Giloy can prevent the onset of recurrent fever. Also, it can reduce the symptoms of some deadly diseases like dengue, malaria, swine flu etc. So, the next time you have fever, you can opt for a cup of Giloy juice to get rid of it instead of popping up a paracetamol.
Indigestion is one of the most common problems we go through. And, it can create a lot of discomfort. To take care of your digestive system and improve digestion, you can consume half a gram of Giloy powder with amla daily in the morning. You can also try Giloy juice with buttermilk. People who are suffering from piles can also consume Giloy this way to get some relief.
Giloy helps in managing the sugar level by assisting in the production of insulin. Giloy can also burn excess glucose and reduce the level of blood sugar. Giloy works in this regard due to its hypoglycaemic effects.
Note: - in current market Giloy is available in the form of Powder, Juice, Vati & Kadha.
Ref: - Wikipedia, Divya Pharma, India.com, Google search & self-study
Written By: - Mr Roshan Vasantrao Pawar | Student - Indira Gandhi National Open University Delhi, School of Social Work
Last Modified : 7/24/2023
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