ASHAs are honorary volunteers who play a vital role in improving last mile delivery of healthcare services and receive performance linked incentives. Uttar Pradesh has over 1.5 lakh ASHAs and despite improvement in payment process for incentives, delays in ASHA payments continue to be a challenge. In addition, the payment processes are impacted by reliance on paper-based systems for reporting and incentive calculations which affects transparency. Paper based data limits detailed analysis and provision of actionable insights. It also makes it difficult to review FMR-wise ASHA incentive disbursement and utilisation, limiting Programmes capacity to review and plan for corrective measures.
Aweb-mobile based integrated platform “Block Community Process Managers (BCPM) MIS” was created for standardised mapping of Geographies (District, Blocks, and Villages), Health Facilities (DH, CHC, PHC, SC), and Health Workers (ASHA, ASHA Sangini, ANM, MoIC, BCPM, BAM etc.). The application includes a module to digitize ASHA and Sangini incentive payment process to reduce delays and build transparent payment process. The payment process comprises of following steps:
Since the launch in Oct, 2018, 90% of functional ASHAs are paid incentives by 5th of the followingmonth. Granular data access has helped improve functionality of ASHAs by 67%. Overall average monthly incentive per ASHA has increased by 35%. Programme dashboard, called Analytica has enabled strategic use of data for physical and financial review and monitoring at state, division, district, and block level, greatly strengthening the programme.
The application is currently used across all 820 Blocks and is being planned for scale up for payment of urban ASHAs. The modular design of the application allows for changes as per GoI and GoUP formats. The mapping used in the application is compatible with RCH and NCD applications.
National Health Mission, supported by UP TSU and Tattva Foundation.
Source : We Care Coffee Table Book - Good, Replicable and Innovative Practices 2019
Last Modified : 6/12/2021
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