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Organic Production and Certification of the Millets, Uttarakhand

Organic Production and Certification of the Millets, Uttarakhand

Summary of the Initiative

In hilly regions of the State, farmers mostly grow the local crops like finger millet, barnyard millet, amaranthus etc. As per the State Government, organic production and certification of the millets is being done under Centrally Sponsored Scheme such as Rashtriya Krishni Vikas Yojana (RKVY)-Organic programme in 70240 hectares, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) in 1657 clusters (33140 hectare) and Namami Gange programme in 620 cluster (12400 hectare).

Situation before Initiative

Millets are grown mainly in the hilly region of Uttarakhand, which is by default organic. These crops are very nutritious and have medicinal values, requiring less water and other inputs. The average selling price was very low as compared to Minimum Support Price i.e. around 40 to 50% of MSP. Due to the lack of collection centers the process of procurement and supply was very difficult and a time taking process. Lack of packaging and processing also resulted in delay of the supply and compromises with the quality as it creates a gap between harvesting, processing and packaging. Farmers were unaware or had very little knowledge about the byproducts and value added products of millets.

Nature of Initiative

State Agriculture University Govind Ballabh Pant University of Technology and Agriculture (GBPUA&T), Pantnagar and Central Research Institute Vivekanand Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthaan (VPKAS) have worked for improvement of traditional varieties and many improved resistant varieties have been developed for Uttarakhand and North- Eastern States. Encouraged by the results, these improved varieties have been introduced under various schemes benefitting the farmers. To facilitate and encourage organic farming, organic inputs like organic manure, bio fertilizers, bio pesticides, etc. are provided to the farmers.

Some private entrepreneurs (under different Government sponsored Schemes) have started making value added products of Millets i.e. biscuits, cakes, namkeens, and momos. These value added products are being widely appreciated throughout the State as well as out of State. There has been shift of priority of crop cultivation trends towards millets due to better market price offered to the farmers.

The target group of organic millet production are small and marginal farmers. Under PKVY and Namami Gange programme, groups of 40 to 50 farmers having 20 hectares of land were formed and registered under Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) portal for Organic Certification. Under RKVY programme, group having 50-500-hectare land were formed to register under NPOP Organic Certification (third party). Agriculture Department and Uttarakhand Organic Commodity Board (UOCB) have made efforts through numerous initiatives in the forward linkage activities e.g. buyer seller meets, website advertising promotion activities and, attracting wholesalers interested in the supply chain for millets.

Impact of Initiative

There is a lot of potential of organic millet production (especially finger millet) as it is being practiced traditionally. Organic certification and capacity building of farmers for organic practices under RKVY, PKVY and Namami Gange Scheme have brought major changes in the scenario. Linkages of farmers with organic buyers, Mandis and Cooperatives for marketing of their produce have provided them better prices. Efforts are being made to provide the farmers premium prices for their organic products and make them trained in the value addition of their produce. Presently a total of about 1.16 lakh hectares area is covered under organic production and certification of millets. After the Government intervention under RKVY-Organic, PKVY and Namami Gange Programme, cluster based organic farming resulted in getting bulk production of these millets and the farmers were able to sell their produce as organic in comparatively 20-30% premium prices. There is an increase of 25-30 % annually on marketing of millets. To facilitate the marketing of organic products, 430 organic outlets are being developed at main tourist places as char dham yatra route, railway station, airport, main religious places and market.

Source : State Missions and Initiatives to Promote Millets

Last Modified : 5/11/2024

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