Infertility, though not life threatening, causes intense mental agony and trauma that can only be best described by infertile couples themselves. A medical intervention involving the use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) procedures such as IVF (In virto Fertilization) enables addressing the challenge.
ART encompasses all techniques that attempt to obtain a pregnancy by manipulating the sperm or/ and oocyte ( female gamete produced in the ovary) outside the body, and transferring the gamete or embryo into the uterus.
In vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) is the fertilization of an ovum (female gamete produced in the ovary) outside the body and the transfer of the fertilized ovum to the uterus of a woman.
The world’s first IVF baby, Louise Brown, was born on July 25, 1978, in the UK through the efforts of Dr. Robert G Edwards and Dr. Patrick Steptoe. The world’s second and India’s first IVF baby, Kanupriya, alias Durga, was born 67 days later on October 3, 1978, through the efforts of Dr. Subhas Mukherjee and his two colleagues in Kolkata.
India’s first scientifically documented IVF baby, Harsha, was born on August 6, 1986, in Mumbai, through the collaborative efforts of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)’s Institute for Research in Reproduction and the King Edward’s Memorial Hospital (KEM).
The steps involved in IVF are
Ovulation induction
Ovulation induction is the first step of the IVF procedure. In this step, the patient is administered a series of hormonal injections for a required period of days (8-14 days). These injections are administered to stimulate ovaries to produce more eggs that can be retrieved during the egg retrieval procedure.
Egg retrieval
Egg retrieval is the second step of the IVF procedure. Like embryo transfer, this procedure is also performed transvaginally.
Here, the mature eggs will be retrieved from the ovaries to be used for fertilization. A thin needle will be inserted through the vagina, which will pierce through the ovaries to collect the eggs.
Embryo transfer
During an embryo transfer, a speculum will be inserted through the vagina to hold it open. A catheter holding the embryo will be inserted through the opening, and the embryo will be released into the uterus. This will be done under the guidance of an ultrasound scan.
The Government of India has from time to time enacted Acts, framed Rules and issued guidelines to regulate ART in India.
Last Modified : 2/26/2024
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