The Ministry of Earth Sciences has forecasted that the country as a whole is likely to receive above normal rainfall during the south west monsoon from June to September 2024.
The forecast is based on both dynamical and statistical models, and it suggests above normal rainfall is likely over most part of the country except some areas of Northwest, East and Northeast India, where below normal rainfall is likely. The expected La Nina, positive IOD and below normal snow cover over northern hemisphere would be favourable for rainfall during southwest monsoon season 2024. Since Sea Surface temperature conditions over the pacific and the Indian Ocean are known to have a strong influence on the Indian Monsoon, IMD is carefully monitoring the evolution of sea surface conditions over these ocean basins.
IMD will issue the updated forecasts for monsoon season rainfall in the last week of May 2024.
Since 2003, India Meteorological Department (IMD) has been issuing the operational long-range forecast (LRF) for the southwest monsoon seasonal (June-September) rainfall averaged over the country as a whole in two stages. The first stage forecast is issued in April and the second stage or update forecast is issued by the end of May. Since 2021, IMD has implemented a new strategy for issuing monthly and seasonal operational forecasts for the southwest monsoon rainfall over the country by modifying the existing two stage forecasting strategy. The new strategy uses both dynamical and statistical forecasting system. Multi-Model Ensemble (MME) forecasting system based on coupled global climate models (CGCMs) from different global climate prediction centres, including IMD’s Monsoon Mission Climate Forecast System (MMCFS) is used in dynamical forecast system.
In continuation to the above forecasts, monthly rainfall forecast is issued around the end of June, July and August respectively for the subsequent one month. In addition, quantitative and probabilistic forecasts for the country as a whole and spatial distribution of probabilistic forecasts of rainfall for second half (August-September) of the season is issued around end of July along with forecast for August.
Summary of the Forecast of Rainfall during Southwest Monsoon Season, 2024 is as follows:
Source : PIB
Last Modified : 4/16/2024
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