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New Notary Portal launched to make appointment of Notaries seamless, efficient and transparent

New Notary Portal launched to make appointment of Notaries seamless, efficient and transparent

Ministry of Law and Justice launched the New Notary Portal to make appointment of Notaries seamless, efficient and transparent.

The initiative will help to make not only the system of selection and appointment of Notaries across the country faster, efficient and transparent but will also help in creating digital storage facility of all notary related records.

Salient features of the portal

The Notary Portal provides an online interface between the notaries and the Government for various services like submission of applications for appointment as notaries, issuance and renewal of Certificates of Practice, change of practice area, submission of annual returns, etc.  With the launch of the Notary Portal, the Central Notaries will not be required to submit applications/ requests in physical mode.  They can submit applications online; monitor its progress; and download digitally signed Certificates of Practice from their digilocker accounts.

The Notary Portal has been designed and developed with different modules which shall be rolled out in phases. In the first stage, module relating to issue of Certificate of Practice to the provisionally selected Notaries has been launched. It is envisaged to roll out the modules relating to renewal of Certificate of Practice and submission of Annual Returns later during the year.

Online services in this portal are available only for Central Notaries at present.

Source : Notary portal

Last Modified : 9/4/2024

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