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New Single Unified Pension Form for Senior Citizens released

New Single Unified Pension Form for Senior Citizens released

In a significant move aimed at enhancing the ease of living for senior citizens and pensioners across the nation, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions announced the launch of a single unified form, merging nine separate forms into one.

The retiring officials, who are on e-HRMS, will fill Form 6-A through e-HRMS (only Superannuation cases) and the retiring officials, who are not on e-HRMS, will fill Form 6-A in Bhavishya. He also added that Form submission by the Pensioner with single e-Sign (Aadhaar based OTP) will be enough.

Digital Integration of Bhavishya with e-HRMS has also been launched. 


Last Modified : 8/30/2024

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