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Processing of e-mandates for recurring transactions

Processing of e-mandates for recurring transactions

The e-mandate framework prescribed, inter alia, that the issuer shall send a pre-debit notification to the customer at least 24 hours prior to the actual charge / debit to the account.

In the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies dated June 07, 2024, it was announced that auto-replenishment of balances in FASTag and National Common Mobility Card (NCMC), which are recurring in nature but without any fixed periodicity, would be facilitated under the e-mandate framework.

It has been decided to include auto-replenishment of FASTag and NCMC, as and when the balance falls below a threshold set by the customer, under the e-mandate framework. Payments for auto-replenishment, since they are recurring in nature but without any fixed periodicity, will be exempt from the requirement of pre-debit notification.

RBI release on Processing of e-mandates for recurring transactions

Last Modified : 8/23/2024

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