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Tea Development & Promotion Scheme

The objective of the Tea Development & Promotion Scheme being implemented by the Tea Board ‘inter-alia’ includes improvement in production, productivity and quality of the Indian teas in order to remain competitive in global markets.

Duration of the scheme

The duration of the scheme is 12.11.2021 to 31.03.2026

Components of the scheme

The scheme has the following seven major components covering the broad areas of Tea Board’s operation for overall protection, growth & sustenance of the Indian Tea Industry:

  • Component 1: Plantation Development for small tea growers
  • Component 2: Sector Specific Action Plan for NITI Forum for North East
  • Component 3: Market Promotion
  • Component 4: Welfare of Workers (wards of the small tea growers)
  • Component 5: Research and Development
  • Component 6: Regulatory Functions & Auction Reforms
  • Component 7: Establishment expenses.

Financial support

The following are the activities / sub-components that would be eligible under the scheme for Small Growers (tea area owning up to 10.12 ha):

  • Mechanization for individual small growers - select equipments with subsidy @ 25 % of actual cost
  • Assistance to Self Help Groups - support for purchase of equipments
  • Assistance to Farmer Producer Organizations - revolving corpus of Rs. 20,000 per Ha. Ceiling limit Rs. 5,00,000 per SHG/ FPO / FPC, support for purchase of equipments, etc
  • Annual Award - recognizes the best performing SHGs and FPOs, region wise annual awards in North East, North West including Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, West Bengal and Bihar and South India
  • Assistance for setting up of tea Factory by FPOs - 40% of cost with ceiling limit of Rs. 2.00 crs /factory Assistance for setting up Mini Tea Factory; 40% of cost with ceiling limit of Rs. 0.33 crs /factory
  • Traceability and publication of news letters
  • Workshop and training
  • Strengthening of field offices
  • Soil testing
  • Organic certification
  • Organic conversion
  • Organic farm inputs
  • Up gradation of skill of officials
  • Contribution to NAFCC funded Climate Adaptation Project

For more details, refere Scheme guidelines of Tea Development & Promotion Scheme

Last Modified : 9/11/2024

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