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National Apprenticeship Training Scheme

National Apprenticeship Training Scheme

National Apprenticeship Training Scheme is one of the flagship programmes of Government of India for Skilling Indian Youth in Trade disciplines.

Scope of the scheme

The National Apprenticeship Training Scheme under the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961 amended in 1973; offers Graduate, Diploma students and Vocational certificate holders; a practical, hands-on On-the-Job-Training (OJT) based skilling opportunities with duration ranging from 6 months to 1 year.

The Scheme covers graduated students or students pursuing either of the following categories of Graduate, Graduate Sandwich, Technician, Technician Sandwich, and Technician Vocational. Disciplines include Technical, Engineering disciplines and shall be extended further to Commerce, Arts, Humanities, Management domains.

Scheme overview

  • Central, State and Private organisations engage candidates for Apprenticeship Training. Institutions interested in availing the benefits of this scheme should register themselves with the NATS Web Portal.
  • Establishments registered on the NATS 2.0 Portal have dedicated training managers, comprehensive training modules and training facilities and selected apprentices are provided on the job training as part of their apprenticeship tenure. This enables apprentices to enhance their skillsets and upgrade their professional skills.
  • During the period of apprenticeship, the apprentices are paid a stipend amount, 50% of which is reimbursable to the employer from Government of India. Stipend Paid is aligned to minimum rates prescribed under the Act for each category of apprentice – Graduate/Technician Diploma/Technician Vocational etc.
  • At the end of the training period the apprentices are issued a Certificate of Proficiency by Government of India which can be registered at all employment exchanges across India as valid employment experience. There is no guarantee of employment after completion of training as an apprentice.
  • For implementation of NATS Scheme, Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT) regional offices conduct and organize Apprenticeship Fairs held periodically which provides students and establishments a valuable opportunity to meet their training/manpower needs.

Source : National Apprenticeship Training Scheme portal 

Last Modified : 7/31/2024

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