Innovation: To celebrate and value the Girl Child
Duration: One Week
Location: Udhampur, Jammu & Kashmir
Key Stakeholders: Department of Social Welfare, District Task Force of BBBP, Director, Department of Rural Development, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Youth Service and Sports Development, Anganwadi Workers (AWWs), Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), Community Members.
To sensitize the citizens of Udhampur, a week long celebration of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Abhiyan,called ‘Noor Jeevan Ka – Betiyan’ was organised in different Gram Panchayats, schools, colleges, institutions etc. AWWs and ASHA workers were involved in sensitizing people and creating awareness by conducting door-to-door campaigns and discussing issues like health, safety, nutrition, legal rights, crimes against women, financial literacy, self-sufficiency, education, skill development, knowledge and sports. Awareness was generated through print and electronic media and monitored on a daily basis on social media.
Activities were organized under a different theme on each day. The aim of this innovative activity was to celebrate and raise awareness on the value of the Girl Child. The activities conducted during the week long celebration focused on challenges that a girls face as well as struggle for survival and equality with other genders. Sub-themes explored during the celebration for which the roles of Officers and Department were outlined included:
The activities were not only theoretical but were also practical, entertaining, sporty, cultural, and the general mass was encouraged to participate and understand the real motives behind implementing this initiative.
Many Departments including Education, Social Welfare, Integrated Child Development Services, Health & Family Welfare, Revenue, Rural Development, Police Administration, etc. and local representatives actively took part in making the ‘Noor Jeevan Ka –Betiyan’ initiative under BBBP a huge success. The involvement of Panchayats, schools, colleges, Self Help Groups, Vyapar Mandals, etc. also contributed to the success of this weeklong celebration of the Girl Child.
After witnessing ‘Noor Jeevan Ka –Betiyan’, the villagers of Sarar Gram Panchayat decided to establish a practice of celebrating the birth of a Girl Child with drums and folk songs. They now visit the proud parents of girls and congratulate them. Moreover, many girls have become aware of their right to education and demand schooling and access to books. Girls have been encouraged to attend school and skill development programmes despite inhabiting hilly and tough terrain. Parents and educational institutions have become more responsible about imparting education to girls across the District.
Geographical challenges in Udhampur prevent the District Administration from being able to adequately conduct outreach programmes in far flung areas frequently. Moreover, girls are considered a burden and the taboo related to their growth prevents their progress in society. In the future, projects like ‘Noor Jeevan Ka –Betiyan’ will be adopted on a larger scale to achieve the objectives of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.
Last Modified : 2/29/2020
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