Stunted growth of plants with pale green to light yellow color (chlorosis) appearing first on older leaves. Depending on the severity of deficiency, the chlorosis results in the drying and dropping of the older leaves.
Correction Measure: Foliar spray of Urea @ 1-2 % at fortnightly intervals.
Symptoms appear on older leaves. The leaves are small and narrow with purplish or bronze discolouration. Leaves develop necrotic areas and fall off.
Correction Measure: Foliar spray of DAP @ 2%
Chlorosis along the edges of leaves (leaf margin scorching) occurs first in older leaves. Plants deficient in K will have weak stems with slow and stunted growth. The size and quality of fruits produces are poor which leading to reduced yield.
Correction Measure: Foliar spray of KCl @1-2%.
Yellowish blotch near the base of leaf, midrib and the outer edge. The leaves become entirely yellow and defoliate.
Correction Measure: Foliar spray of MgSO4 @ 1-2%.
Younger leaves are chlorotic with evenly, light coloured veins. Plant growth is retarded and maturity is delayed. Plant stems are stiff, thin and woody. Symptoms may be similar to N deficiency and are most often found in sandy soils.
Correction Measure: Soil application of gypsum @100kg/ acre.
Thin and smaller younger leaves with interveinal chlorosis. Green tinge at the base of mid rib. Later the leaves become pale or whitish and shed, older leaves remain green, fruits coarse light coloured.
Correction Measure: Foliar spray of FeSO4 @ 0.5%.
Symptoms first appear as chlorosis in young tissues. Unlike iron chlorosis symptoms, Mn chlorosis shows up as tiny yellow spots.
Correction Measure: Foliar spray of MnSO4 @ 1% at fortnightly interval.
To know the IPM practices for Peach, click here.
Source: NIPHM, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage
Last Modified : 2/12/2020
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