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Key departments of the district

District Survey and Land Records

The department takes up the following activities

  1. Provides the list of licensed surveyors and their training
  2. Digitisation of land records and its issue to citizens

Contact details

Assistant Director, District Survey Office, Collectorate, Ramanathapuram- 623503. Phone: 04567 – 230657

Department of Agriculture

The Department of Agriculture takes up the following activities

  • Agricultural Extension services to farmers and helps in the transfer of latest technical knowledge to the farming community.
  • Aassess requirements of agriculture inputs well in advance and to regulate their production and monitor timely supply of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, implements, credit etc., to farmers.
  • Statutory functions under various acts and regulations (i.e., quality control) to ensure supply of quality inputs i.e., Seeds, Fertilizers and Pesticides to farmers.
  • Soil testing, soil and water conservation, soil survey, credit assessment / arrangements, media production, training to farmers, etc


Pattinamkattan, Ramanathapuram, NH-49, Kochi Dhanushkodi Road, Ramanathapuram, Ramanathapuram, 623503

Department of Animal Husbandry

The department involves in livestock promotion, fodder development and monitoring of animal husbandry schemes.

Contact:Regional Joint Director of Animal Husbandry, Mobile:9443851130, Phone:04567-230806

Department of Fisheries

The district has a rich fisheries - marine and inland resources. The department is involved in various activities to regulate fisheries sector and also for the welfare of the fishermen.


  1. Office of Assistant Director of Fisheries, Mandapam, Pincode : 623518, E- mail : adfmandapam@gmail.com, Land Line : 04573-241066, Mobile : 9384824272.
  2. Office of Assistant Director of Fisheries North Ramanathapuram, Pincode : 623503, Email : adfnorthrmd@gmail.com, Land Line : 04567-230355, Mobile : 9384824269
  3. Office of Assistant Director of Fisheries (South) Ramanathapuram, Pincode : 623503, Pincode : 623503, Land Line : 04567-230402, Mobile : 9384824270
  4. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Taluk Office First Floor, NearBusstand, Rameswaram, Pincode : 623526, E-mail : adframeswaramnew@gmail.com, Land Line : 04573-221231, Mobile : 9384824271
  5. Deputy Director of Fisheries, Integrated Fisheries Building, Collectate complex, Ramnad 623503 ,Pincode : 623503, E-mail : ddframnadnew@gmail.com, Land Line : 04567-231402, Mobile : 9384824220

Department of Horticulture

The department is involved in activities related to the production and productivity of various horticulture crops coupled with value chain development , marketing linkages to help the farming community for realization of remunerative prices.

To get the list of Horticulture Schemes and district official contact, click here.

District Educational Department

Department handles all the activities regarding Education.

Address: District Educational officer, Ramanathapuram, 623501, Land line : 04567- 220123 

Health Department

Health department is divided into two Health Unit District(HUD) for administrative purposes namely Ramanathapuram HUD and Paramakudi HUD, with Ramanathapuram HUD having 5 Blocks and Paramakudi HUD having 6 Blocks.Overall, there are 13 Upgraded Primary Health Centres (PHCs), 40 Additional PHCs, 5 Urban PHCs catering the primary health needs of both rural and urban population.There are a total of 259 Health Sub-Centres in the district.

To know hospital location and schemes, click here.

Contacts of district officials

To get the list of officials, click here.

Last Modified : 7/1/2021

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