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Role of Schools and Students

Role of Schools and Students


There is a curious naturalist in e very child. School teachers can help nurture the love for the environment through formal and informal educational tools. School boards have to ensure that environmental education is a significant part of the curriculum for all classes, seminars, field trips, competitions and fairs on environmental themes help the students identify their interest in nature and choose a related career. What a child learns early in life for cleanliness, conservation and wise use of resources would stay with him all his life.


  • Voluntary groups may be formed in each school, which can be the medium for the message of clean air, clean water, and clean environment.
  • Visit areas to help local community understand the concept of Blue and Green bins.
  • Visit local parks to assist in keeping the park s clean and green.
  • Organize drawing competitions and seminars to encourage students in the Green Good Deeds.
  • Student s may see that the school/college areas are clean.
  • Plant saplings and make the area green. Inspire others also in doing so.
  • Students can join local RWAs, and identify NGOs and Nature Clubs in their area to participate in Green Good Deeds.
  • Students are not only the best medium for dissemination of information on Green Good Deeds to others but also live their lifetime with the green good deed feelings, thus passing it on to the future generations.
  • Involving a teacher would mean reaching out to several students. Reaching out to students would mean reaching out to future generations.
  • Students have the energy, the initiative and are inquisitiveness to learn more.
  • Spread awareness about protection of ozone layer, and ozone depleting substances .
  • Reaching out to students would mean we have initiated a mass movement in our aim to save the environment.
  • Use recyclable and reusable material.
  • Ensure proper disposal of wrappers and plastic waste.
  • Don’t litter in school.
  • Ensure optimum use of paper.
  • Don’t waste paper-use it on both sides.
  • Play outdoor - appreciate nature.
  • Don’t play electronic games or watch TV all the time-connect with nature.
  • Switch of all electronic devices from plug point when not in use.
  • Don’t leave the room with lights, fans on.
  • Maintain tradition of reuse. Don’t throw away old toys and generate waste-better give these to the kids who need them .
  • Don’t use ‘use and throw’ pens.
  • Eat natural organic food.
  • Save water in schools and also at home - ensure to keep the water taps off when not in use.
  • Don’t waste water - when the water bottle is to be emptied, pour the remaining water to plants instead of draining it into sinks.
  • Plant and nurture trees in schools and neighbourhood.
  • Avoid cutting or damaging trees or flowers on plants.
  • Pass on the acquired knowledge to parents, grandparents, house helpers, neighbours and peer groups (friends).
  • Avoid littering when in the group and stop others from doing so.
  • Be a green volunteer.
  • Don’t spit in public places.
  • Take care of birds and animals and respect them.
  • Don’t tease animals.
  • Avoid unnecessary lights.
  • Share used books, toys, clothes to conserve the environment and reduce carbon footprints.
  • Don’t discard used books, clothes, etc. and generate unnecessary waste, better to give to the ones who need them.
  • Don’t use thin plastic bags-develop a habit of using cloth bag while going for shopping.
  • Schools may encourage – walk to school, Cycle to School, School Bus Transport Facilities, rather than personal motorised transport
  • Schools may audit air quality, and educate students on pedestrian etiquette and responsibility.
  • Schools may promote neighbourhood residents for admissions.
  • Schools may draw attention to some of the ancient heritage buildings in India which are the epitome of low energy architecture. Schools may create awareness about them and motivate the students for being energy conscious.
  • Schools should take initiatives to develop means of reducing energy consumption by educational tools.
  • Schools may involve the young students in the whole process of new concepts and trend-setting requirements of the society. The idea is to go about doing this through teachers. Once the teachers are made aware of the challenges of the future, the knowledge is passed onto the students simply and easily .

Source : Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Last Modified : 7/1/2024

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