Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), first focused national water Mission was launched in June 2015 to facilitate ease of living to citizens in 500 cities by providing tap connections and sewer connections.
The purpose of Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) is to
Five hundred cities have been selected under AMRUT. The category of cities that have been selected under AMRUT is given below:
The Mission will focus on the following Thrust Areas:
1.1 crore household tap connections and 85 lakh sewer/ septage connections have been provided. 6,000 MLD sewage treatment capacity is being developed, of which 1,210 MLD capacity is already created, with provision for reuse of 907 MLD treated sewage. 1,820 parks with area of 3,600 acre have been developed, while another 1,800 acres of area is under greening. So far, 1,700 flooding points have been eliminated.
The Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 (AMRUT 2.0) upto 2025-26 was approved by the Cabinet during October 2021 as a step towards AatmaNirbhar Bharat and with aim of making the cities ‘water secure’ and ‘self-sustainable’ through circular economy of water.
Taking forward the remarkable strides made under AMRUT, AMRUT 2.0, targets universal coverage of water supply by providing household tap connections in all 4,378 statutory towns. 100% coverage of household sewerage/ septage management in 500 AMRUT cities is other objective. Mission targets to provide 2.68 crore tap connections and 2.64 crore sewer/ septage connections to achieve the intended outcomes.
Total indicative outlay for AMRUT 2.0 is Rs 2,77,000 crore including central share of Rs 76,760 crore for five years from FY 2021-22 to FY 2025-26.
Mission will be monitored on a robust technology based portal. The projects will be geo-tagged. There will be an endeavor to make it a paper-less Mission. Cities will assess their water sources, consumption, future requirement and water losses through a city water balance plan. Based on this, city water action plans will be prepared which will be summed up as State Water Action Plan and will be approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs. The funds for the projects will be shared by Centre, State and ULBs. Central funds will be released to the States in three tranches based on allocation to the State as per State Water Action Plan.
Other key features of AMRUT 2.0 (U) include Pey Jal Survekshan which will encourage competition among cities for benchmarking urban water services. Mission will also encourage mobilization of market finance by mandating implementation of 10% of worth of projects in cities with population above ten lakh through Public Private Participation. Mission will also bring in the leading technologies in water sector in world through technology sub-Mission. Entrepreneurs/ start-ups will be encouraged in water eco-system. Information Education and Communication (IEC) campaign will be undertaken to spread awareness among masses about water conservation.
Mission has a reform agenda focussed towards financial health and water security of ULBs. Meeting 20% of water demand through recycled water, reducing non-revenue water to less than 20% and rejuvenation of water bodies are major water related reforms. Reforms on property tax, user charges and enhancing credit worthiness of ULBs are other important reforms. ULBs will be rewarded with incentive on accomplishing the reforms.
To view the operational guidlines of the scheme, click here.
Source : AMRUT portal
Last Modified : 10/28/2022
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