Common cultural practices:
- Crop rotation with non host crops
- Timely sowing should be done
- Field sanitation, rogueing
- Destroy the alternate host plants
- Apply manures and fertilizers as per soil test recommendations
- Apply manures and fertilizers on soil test basis.
- Destroy weeds manually or by deep summer ploughing.
Soil borne pathogens Nematodes, Resting stage of insects
Cultural control:
- Deep ploughing of fields during summer to manage juvenile population of nematodes and insect pests.
- Soil solarization: Cover the beds with polythene sheet of 75 gauge thickness for six weeks before sowing to reduce the soil borne pests.
Common cultural practices:
- Do summer ploughing
- Timely sowing should be done
- Solarize the field in summer to help reduce the inoculums.
- Use resistant varieties
- Select seed from disease free fields
- Always use certified and weed free seeds.
- Timely sowing should be done.
- Line sowing should be done to facilitate inter-culture operations.
- Plant population should be maintained to its optimum right from its beginning to minimize the crop weed competition.
- Adopt suitable crop rotation to minimize dodder and orobanche weeds
Vegetative stage
- Avoid excess application of nitrogen
- Adopt the ecological engineering strategy.
- Conserve natural enemies
- Remove and destroy weeds periodically
- Removal and destruction of infected/infested plants
Common biological practices:
- Conserve natural enemies through ecological engineering
- Augmentative release of natural enemies
- Correct micronutrient deficiency if any in standing crop.
- Foliar application of Thiourea @500ppm solution twice: 1st spray during vegetative growth and 2nd spray at flowering stage. It is effective under all conditions.
- Keep field boundary & bunds free from weeds.
- The crop field should be weed free initially for 4-5 weeks by following timely hoeing and weeding.
- Inter-culture operation/hoeing should be done twice at 20 and 35 days after sowing-using hand hoe to remove all weeds in between the row.
Biological control:
- Spray neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5%.
- Spray neem oil @ 1%
Little bean bug
Biological control:
- Spray neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5%.
- Spray neem oil @ 1%
Anthracnose, Bacterial leaf blight,Cercospora leaf spot
Cultural control:
- Early planting i.e. immediately after onset of monsoon.
- Grow crop on bower system to avoid soil contact.
- Maintain proper drainage in the field.
Powdery mildew
Cultural control:
- Bower system (maintain gapping) of cropping reduces the disease incidence
Root rot
Cultural control:
- Plant in well-draining soils.
- Prepare seed beds to enhance rapid germination
- Proper irrigation is provided to prevent flooding and saturated soil conditions.
- Soil amendment with farm yard manure @ 5 tonnes/acre
Mosaic complex
- See the common cultural practices
Pod borer
Cultural control:
- Follow the intercropping systems like horsegram +maize, horsegram+ finger millet
Biological control:
- Conserve and augment common predators and parasitoids
Reproductive (pod development)
Pod borer
Cultural control:
- Follow the intercropping systems like horsegram +maize, horsegram+ finger millet
Biological control:
- Conserve and augment common predators and parasitoids
Incorporate crop residues in soil immediately after harvest.
Remove left over weeds to prevent weed seed spread in field.